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Blue Makaira, Madeira will start fishing the 2024 season in May. In the past few years May has brought good returns of Blue Marlin and Tuna so fingers are crossed for 2024.

In 2019 Blue Makaira released 42 (for 81) Blue Marlin, 34 over 500lbs and 7 over 800lbs, with a season average of 619lbs. I would like to see this record broken in 2024 and to do that we need to get clients into the fighting chair!

Capt. Nuno Gonçalves records the greatest number of Blue Marlin caught for all the Madeiran fleet 2017 to 2021 & 23, follow our progress on our facebook page for 2024

We are also very keen to encourage young fishermen to experience the thrill of big game fishing. So for age group 11 to 16’s we are offering 4 bookings of 1 day at 50% of our normal charter price.

Tight lines all for 2024.

Contact us for more details at or call +44 7860 297415



Como a sua segurança é a nossa preocupação, a Bue Makaira está dotada de todo o equipamento exigido pelas autoridades marítimas e certificado pelas mesmas a operar na sua área de registo.


















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ler mais sobre o nosso local e são ambos propriedade de Atlantic Blue Marlin Lda (UK).
O conteúdo de ambos não pode ser publicado ou copiado sem autorização previa da Atlantic Blue Marlin Lda.